woensdag 21 april 2010


,,Flavors my senses
Sweetens my disposition
Stirs my imagination
Nourishes my dreams"

Got it from a napkin


I've been watching my friends getting lost. I lost another friend to a girl. Really hate that.. When my friends hook up with girls and forget all about me. Even though I have my man, I neverrr stopped chilling with them! (That's why I love my man) MEnnn.. really... BUMMER!!

it's not that i'm not happy for them.. it's just..those girls really annoy me.. suddenly i become from a friend to a thread to their relationship. What's up with that. I just can't believe girls are like that!! !@#$^%


PS my friend Duong, i really love her blog hahaha ;D you should really check it out. Gotta love her style, jealousy is a must, i say !! Duong's blog: A new me

donderdag 1 april 2010

FreshCotten: Style Contest

Something else like a flashback, more something like a flashforward. I see my girls Duong and Srymom winning the contest, at least I very hope so. For that they need alot of votes. Please help my girls win the contest!

First link is out
That's my most beautiful and passionate dUONG.

Please do vote for my girl

Srymom's link will be out tonite
